Thursday, April 25, 2019

Growing Gratitude: A Valuable Life Skill

What would life look like if we experienced more gratitude? Imagine your satisfaction when someone expresses gratitude for your efforts; or your contentment when feeling happy about life, right in this moment. We can all have more of that because growing gratitude is a valuable life skill we can learn!
The simple attitude of gratitude is one of the most powerful creative energies we can work with. It transforms our consciousness because energy flows to whatever we focus on, and makes it grow.
Gratitude also increases happiness. When we express genuine appreciation for the goodness we already enjoy each day, we cultivate happiness in our lives.
Perhaps you have not yet lost the twenty pounds you want to, but you have learned to make better food choices. Or you have not yet found the love of your life, but you have been blessed with loving relatives and friends.
It's a simple yet powerful principle: You can develop more of what you desire in life by noticing what you DO have already and growing an attitude of gratitude for that. You have the power to create more of what you love by expressing genuine appreciation for the good things you already have.
Expressing gratitude is a learned skill. It is done not in a superficial or schmaltzy way, but through genuinely heartfelt, eyeball-to-eyeball or heart-to-heart connection. It involves appreciation delivered with real meaning rather than some perfunctory mumblings or syrupy platitudes.
Just think of all the meaningful things that you have already enjoyed today: the smell of coffee that got you going, a warm shower, soft towels, a selection of clean clothes in your closet, sunshine warming your face, tantalizing aromas all around, the ability to walk and talk... there's so much to be grateful for!
Once the habit of growing and showing attitude takes hold, you'll start noticing more and more of life's blessings around you. Gratitude expands our hearts to notice more of what we already have appreciation for.
Imagine how relationships would be enhanced if you used the same approach to express appreciation for the people in your life!
Take a few moments to consider the relationships you're grateful for. Reflect on the qualities you appreciate in each of your relatives and friends: the smile on a child's face, the hug of a loved one, the spontaneous playfulness of a friend... and even their individual ways of craziness! We can find something to be grateful for in every person or situation.
I had an eccentric great-aunt who had the knack for making keen observations about others at the most inappropriate times. I used to blush in embarrassment at her unflinching directness, yet when she was no longer able to attend family gatherings, her special brand of candor was sorely missed. Only then did I realize how her unique brand of eccentricity enriched our lives.
Perhaps there are a few people with varying degrees of eccentricity populating your life as well. They also have a role to fulfill -- even if it is to stretch your tolerance level, teach patience or give you an opportunity to forgive! And yes, they offer you an opportunity to grow more gratitude.
Expressing gratitude is a priceless gift we can offer ourselves and others. Now is a perfect time to express your gratitude to people who have touched your life. Let them know what you love about them and how it makes you feel. You'll add meaning to their lives while strengthening your relationships.
Growing gratitude is indeed a valuable life skill we can learn to enhance our quality of life.

Article Source:

Monday, April 22, 2019

Tony Robbins: MOST AWESOME ADVICE EVER (Motivational Video 2018)

How to Say No, Even When You're Afraid To

Sometimes, saying no is the easiest thing in the world. You speak honestly and communicate clearly. As a result, you exercise a lot of positive control over your life and your time. But sometimes the word gets caught in your throat. Breathing gets hard. You're just scared to death to say no. How do you handle this now? 

Here's a quick quiz to help you understand how you might approach this stressful situation. Try jotting down how often you resort to each of these actions, using "0" for "never" and 5 for "always": 

"When I feel afraid to say "no", I:
 ____ Put it off until the ideal time, which is never. 
 ____ Trash myself for being fearful. 
 ____ Fume over how impossible the other person is. 
 ____ Push past my fears and charge blindly ahead. 
____ Imply that my refusal is the other person's fault. 
 ____ TOTAL 

If your score is 0-5, saying no is not a big problem (unless you've figured out a self-defeating strategy that we missed!) But what if your score is higher? In that case, your reluctance to say no probably hurts you even more than you know. Resentments simmer, and relationships and self-esteem suffer. Over time, anxieties compound. Paralyzing fear takes quite a toll. 

There's another way to handle this impasse. You must break outworn promises you made to yourself long ago! Start by asking yourself 3 powerful questions. Ask them as often as you need to. Let the answers bubble up, and listen to each response. They will be chock full of useful information for you! 

 Ask yourself: 

 1. Where did your fear of saying no originate? It's helpful to identify how much stronger and more autonomous you are now. 
2. How did you believe silence made you safe? Give some thought to how circumstances have changed. 
3. How does this trap you now? Seeing all the ways your old promise to yourself holds you back helps you replace your outworn approach with a more appropriate one. The less you judge yourself for your fear, the more readily you'll overcome it. 

So now: * Forgive yourself for your reluctance to take risks. * Gently affirm that those old promises to never take major risks need to be broken. * Commit to carry the best of you forward, and list ways you might do that. 

 It's so exciting to build the strengths and internal structures to foster your autonomy! And to move toward your Heart-Based Time Success, sign up for our free gift, The Finding Time Success Kit, which includes "The New Finding Time Boundary Template: 9 Simple, Sequential Steps to Find More Time and Recharge Your Energy!" Using a workbook format this powerful and practical time template helps you progress beyond disappointment and frustration. 

Discover that 24 hours really are enough! Just click this link to get started: Article Source: Article Source: